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202年南匈奴归附曹操后,曹操将南匈奴分成五部,每部立帅长,并派 *** 监督。








拼音是bù móu ér hé,


经济学人双语精读笔记:Three kingdoms, two empires 三国鼎立,两帝称雄

Three kingdoms, two empires



three kingdoms应该是借鉴了中国的《三国演义》,而中文翻译也同样借鉴了“三国鼎立”这个成语,相当于增补了一个动词;

后半部分的two empires则为了和前面对应,同样增补了动词“称雄”♂


THERE was a time, not that long ago, when China’s big internet companies were di *** issed by investors in Silicon Valley as marginal firms with a tendency to copy Western products. Not any more . Today they are monsters with increasingly hefty international ambitions .



di *** iss : V-T If you di *** iss something, you decide or say that it is not important enough for you to think about or consider. 不予理会,比如:

Mr. Wakeham di *** issed the reports as speculation.



解雇 V-T When an employer di *** isses an employee, the employer tells the employee that they are no longer needed to do the job that they have been doing.

marginal : ADJ If you describe people as marginal, you mean that they are not involved in the main events or developments in society because they are poor or have no power. 无足轻重的,比如:

The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals.



边际的 ADJ Marginal activities, costs, or taxes are not the main part of a business or an economic system, but often make the difference between its success or failure, and are therefore important to control. 边际的

hefty : ADJ Hefty means large in size, weight, or amount. 庞大的; 沉重的,比如:

She was quite a hefty woman.



有力的 ADJ A hefty movement is done with a lot of force.



with a tendency:译为频度副词“往往”,而不是直译成“有…的趋势”。

Not any more. 英文文章中常见的一句话,“时过境迁”是个值得积累的中文表达,意思是随着时间推移,情况发生了变化。

international ambitions:增译,只译为“国际野心”没有任何含义,在根据语境增译了“市场”,意思就通顺了。

Alibaba, China’s biggest e-commerce group, handles more transactions each year than do eBay and Amazon combined. Jack Ma, its chairman, pledges to serve 2bn consumers around the world within 20 years. Tencent, which specialises in online games and social media, is now the world’s tenth most valuable public firm , worth some $275bn. Pony Ma (no relation), its chairman, wants China to “preside over the global tech revolution of the future”. But as the two firms become global forces, the third member of China’s “ BAT” trio of internet giants, Baidu, an online-search firm that came to dominate the mainland market after Google left the country to avoid censorship, is lagging behind.



马云、马化腾有“二马”之称,在外刊中一般都只使用他们的英文名字,前者Jack Ma,后者Pony Ma

public firm :上市公司。go public 上市

preside over : to be in a position of authority at a time when important things are happening 负责(重要局面),比如:

The government seemed to be presiding over large-scale unemployment.

*** 似乎正面临着大规模的失业状况。


1)to be the head of a company or organization 掌管,管辖,领导

2)to be in charge of a meeting or activity 主持

BAT trio :

1)trio:a set or group of three people or things三人组,三件套。主要是强调“三”这个概念,和原文中的trio of internet giants合起来就是常说的“三巨头”。Trio还有一个意思是“三重唱,三重奏”,与之相关的独唱(奏)、二重唱(奏)、四重唱(奏)分别是solo,duet,quartet



bn=billion 十亿;mn=million 百万;tn=trillion 万亿/兆


Alibaba(主语), China’s biggest e-commerce group(同位语), handles(谓语) more transactions(宾语) each year(时间状语) /than do eBay and Amazon combined(状语).

不好理解的点在于than后面的部分,do代替了前面的handle,combined作后置定语修饰eBay and Amazon表示二者加起来的。涉及比较的句子中,如果谓语动词是实义动词,那么than后面的比较对象的动词一般用do/did/does替代,并提到名词前面。

But as the two firms become global forces(状从), the third member of China’s “BAT” trio of internet giants(主语), Baidu(同位语), an online-search firm(同位语)/ that came to dominate the mainland market after Google left the country to avoid censorship(定语从句,after是定从嵌套的状从)/, is lagging behind(主句谓语).


1)先翻译the third member of China’s “BAT” trio of internet giants, Baidu将短语译成了句子。先翻这一句是因为前面分别介绍了阿里巴巴和腾讯,从这一句开始都是讲百度,所以先把句子的主要对象引出来,再去翻译它的情况。

2)an online-search firm that came to dominate the mainland market after Google left the country to avoid censorship 把定语从句和先行词也单独译成了一句。这一句主要按照时间顺序翻译,先说谷歌退出中国,再说百度占领市场,并且先行词和定从中的market进行了结合,避免重复介绍百度,同时说清楚了它所占领的是什么市场。

3)介绍了百度之前的情况之后,在翻译现在和另外两家公司的对比,But as the two firms become global forces以及is lagging behind两部分。


All three firms differ from their Western peers in important ways. First, Western companies usually prefer to focus on a few core areas, whereas Chinese internet firms typically try to do everything from cloud computing to digital payments. When this works, as with Tencent’s wildly successful app, WeChat, the results can be impressive.

这三家公司与西方同行在几个重要方面有所不同。首先,西方公司通常会聚焦几个核心领域,而中国互联网公司一般涉猎广泛,从云计算到数字支付无不尝试。这样的尝试一旦成功,结果便会非常可观,腾讯大获成功的应用 *** 即是如此。


as with :正如,如同…一样


When this works, as with Tencent’s wildly successful app, WeChat, the results can be impressive.

this-Chinese internet firms typically try to do everything from cloud computing to digital payments

as…WeChat 插入语放到了后面翻译,先翻译从句和主句

Second, with the exception of political censorship , the internet sector in China is lightly regulated. Facebook, Apple and Google, in contrast, face increasing scrutiny. Chinese internet firms can achieve market domination of a sort that would attract close attention in other markets.



censorship : N-UNCOUNT Censorship is the censoring of books, plays, movies, or reports, especially by government officials, because they are considered immoral or secret in some way. (官方对书刊、剧本、电影或新闻报道的) 审查,比如:

The government today announced that press censorship was being lifted.

该 *** 今日宣告说正在撤销新闻审查。

中国的电影审查制度就用 film censorship;电影分级制度可以说film/motion picture rating system;(电影电视中)广告植入 product placement

of a sort :一种,一类,sort可看做等于market domination

其他含义:of sorts/of a sort 勉强称得上的,勉强算的,比如:

I have a conversation of sorts with a very drunk man at the bus stop.

The third difference is that they can succeed on a rapid and massive scale because the state-dominated economy is so inefficient. Often there is not even a physical infrastructure to leapfrog —so-called third-tier cities, for example, often lack big retail centres. Nationwide there is one shopping mall per 1.2m people.



physical :实体的。实体店-physical store

leapfrog : V-T/V-I If one group of people leapfrogs into a particular position or leapfrogs someone else, they use the achievements of another person or group in order to make advances of their own. (利用别人成就) 超越,比如:

It is already obvious that all four American systems have leapfrogged over the European versions.


third-tier :三线城市;second-tier:二线城市。或者也可以说tier two/tier three city


a physical infrastructure to leapfrog:

1)infrastructure 通常译为“基础设施”,既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词,原文前面加了a,所以译文将其具体化成“实体机构”,主要是指国有的机构。


A huge home market has not stopped the trio from fighting bloody turf wars among each other. The outcome to this battle is rapidly becoming clear. Tencent and Alibaba are surging ahead; a series of own goals has left Baidu far behind. The common jibe about Baidu among local experts is that it is becoming the Yahoo of China, a once-dominant search giant that sank owing to a lack of innovation and a series of management blunders .



turf wars : a fight or argument over the areas or things you think belong to you 地盘之争


1)Someone's turf is the area which is most familiar to them or where they feel most confident. 地盘; 活动范围,比如:

Their turf was St.Louis: its streets, theaters, homes, and parks.



own goal :

1)a goal that you accidentally score against your own team without intending to in a game of football, hockey etc. 乌龙球(足球、曲棍球等比赛中)

2)an action or remark that has the opposite effect from what you intended (不利于自己的)错事,蠢话,自打嘴巴 ,比如:

The minister’s admission turned out to be a spectacular own goal.


leave behind :把…落在后面(常用被动),比如:

In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon be left behind.


近义词:lag behind 落后于(与be left behind同义),比如:

Britain is lagging behind the rest of Europe.


blunder :

1)N-COUNT A blunder is a stupid or careless mistake. 愚蠢错误,比如:

I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.


2)V-I If you blunder, you make a stupid or careless mistake. 犯愚蠢错误,比如:

No doubt I had blundered again.


3)V-I If you blunder into a dangerous or difficult situation, you get involved in it by mistake. 误入 (危险境地或困境),比如:

People wanted to know how they had blundered into war, and how to avoid it in the future.


4)V-I If you blunder somewhere, you move there in a clumsy and careless way. 跌跌撞撞地走,比如:

He had blundered into the table, upsetting the flowers.



The common jibe about Baidu among local experts is that it is becoming the Yahoo of China, a once-dominant search giant that sank owing to a lack of innovation and a series of management blunders.

1)The common jibe about Baidu among local experts:国内专家最常用来挖苦百度的一个说法——jibe-词性转换,译为动词;增译“一个说法”

2)a once-dominant search giant that sank owing to a lack of innovation and a series of management blunders. 同位语,介绍Yahoo的情况,译文中以“雅虎”为主语重启一句。

Its revenue growth fell to 6.3% in 2016, down from 35% in 2015 and 54% in 2014. The firm gets some nine-tenths of its revenues from online ads, but this income is plunging as marketers redirect spending from search ads on Baidu to social-media networks like WeChat and mobile-commerce platforms run by Alibaba. Meanwhile, Baidu is burning cash trying to keep its various big bets on artificial intelligence (AI), online video, virtual and augmented-reality technologies, and “online to offline” (O2O) services going. One of China’s most respected business consultants is pessimistic about its future: “There is very little chance they’ll be relevant in five years.”

百度的收入增长率在2016年下降至6.3%,远低于2015年的35%和2014年的54%。公司收入约九成都来自在线广告,但由于商家把花在百度搜索广告的钱转投至 *** 这样的社交媒体网络以及阿里巴巴运营的移动商务平台,百度的收入大幅下滑。同时,百度还在烧钱维系它的几个大赌注:人工智能(AI)、在线视频、虚拟和增强现实技术,以及“线上到线下”(O2O)服务。中国最受尊敬的商业顾问之一对百度的未来持悲观态度:“五年以后很可能就没百度什么事了。”


burn cash :花钱,烧钱。跟中文的“烧钱”意思相通。


There is very little chance they’ll be relevant in five years.



历史上的 “三国鼎立”是指( )。

历史上的 “三国鼎立”是指( )。

A. 秦

B. 魏

C. 蜀

D. 赵

E. 吴




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