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本文共计12074个文字,预计阅读时间需要40分6秒,由作者编辑整理创作于2023年08月14日 22点48分00秒。




英 [ˈraɪtɪŋ]  美 [ˈraɪtɪŋ] 

n. 书写;写作技能;著书立说,写作的职业;作品,著作;文字;笔迹

v. 书写;写作(write 的现在分词

[ 复数 writings ]


Writing System 书写系统 ; 文字 ; 书写体系 ; 文字系统

Nature Writing 自然写作 ; 自然书写


If you have a complaint about your holiday, please inform us in writing.






英 [raɪt]  美 [raɪt] 

vi. 写,写字;写作,作曲;写信

vt. 写,书写;写信给;著述

[ 过去式 wrote 过去分词 written 现在分词 writing 第三人称单数 writes ]


write down 记下 ; 写下来 ; 减记

write off 注销 ; 取消 ; 勾销 ; 报废


Simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us.



只有writing,不存在writting的用法。解析:write的结尾为e且e不发音,所以在变成动名词时,需要去掉结尾的e,直接加ing,即writing。writing 英[ˈraɪtɪŋ],美[ˈraɪtɪŋ]

n. 写;书写;写作;(专职)写作;著书立说;著作;文字作品;文章;

v. 书写写字;写作;作曲;编写;写信;

[词典] write的现在分词;

[例句]His writing brings him$ 10 000 a year。写作每年为他赚1万元。

[其他] 复数:writings



1、一般情况下直接加ing。如:think---thinking,sleep---sleeping,study---studying2、以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母e,再加ing。如:wake---waking,make---making,come---coming,take---taking。3、以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅,元,辅”结构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如begin,cut, get, hit, run, set, sit, spit, stop等4、以ie结尾的动词,把ie改为y ,再加ing,如die---dying lie---lying。




我知道英语中介词+抽象名词可以当副词使用,比如,he ran out in hurry.那么这种搭配可以当形容词用吗?

the earliest existing writting system is ...
the earliest writting system in exsitence is ...
我觉得这个in exsitence和in hurry一样,都是做状语,但in hurry是当副词使用修饰run,in exsitence 适当形容词使用修饰writting system 。我这样理解对吗?
还有一个问题,我是学中文的,最近在学现代汉语语法,一不当心把中文语法和英文语法搞起来了,还是上面的那个例子,in exsitence 可以翻译成中文现存的,整个句子就是现存最早的书写体系是……那这里的“现存”就是当定语在使用,修饰书法体系的。我现在就是在纠结为什么英语里当状语,中文里却当定语。我觉得我是在钻牛角尖了,但是我拨不出来啊,就像纠结为什么1+1为什么等于2一样。有没有学英语的朋以前有这方面的苦恼,可以传授一点克服办法吗?



the earliest writing system in exsitence is...

在这句话中:主语是system(名词), 谓语是(be动词)is;而the earliest writing都是修饰后面的名词system;in existence是介词+名词构成介宾短语,用来修饰前面的system,但在英文中这个介宾短语作为状语,而且后置了。

新概念英语第二册85到96课的Summary Writting答案

新概念英语第二册85到96课的Summary Writting答案。

Lesson 85
1)Now that my former headmaster, Mr. Page, is retiring, pupils of the school will be sending him a gift and an album with the signatures of all those who have contributed. Many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honour. After having completed forty years as a teacher, Mr. Page will devote himself to gardening, which will be a new hobby for him, but one is never too old to learn. (74 words)
(2)After twenty-eight years as headmaster, Mr. Page is retiring. Pupils of the school will not only be sending him a gift. but also an album with their signatures. Many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in honour of a man who has completed forty years as a teacher. Now he will devote himself to gardening. Though it will be a new hobby for him, this does not matter because one is never too old to learn. (78 words)
Lesson 86
(1)The moment the speedboat struck the buoy, both men Were thrown into the water. As it moved off very quickly across the water, the men began to swim rewards the shore. Turning in a circle, the speedboat came straight towards them. After it had just missed them, they swam until they were out of danger. When the boat returned it had lost speed. Soon all the petrol was used up and it floated across the water. (76 words)
(2)Because the speedboat had struck a buoy, both men were thrown violently into the water. It moved off very quickly and, while the men were swimming towards the shore, it turned in a circle, came straight towards them and only just missed them. They had no sooner swum out of danger than the boat returned. This time, however, it had lost speed because nearly all the petrol had been used up and it floated across the water. (76 words)
Lesson 87
1)At the time of the murder, the man claimed that he had been travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London and had arrived at work on time. When the inspector asked if a later train would get him to work on time, the man agreed it would but said that he always travelled early. The inspector suggested that he was lying because, that morning, the 8 o'clock train broke down, so the man must have caught the 8.25. (79 words)
(2)When the murder was committed, the man claimed that he was travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London. He said that he arrived at work on time. Then the inspector asked if a later train would get him to work on time. Though the man agreed it would, he said he always travelled early. In reply, the inspector suggested he was lying, as the 8 o'clock train broke down that morning and therefore the man must have caught the 8.25. (80 words)
Lesson 88
(1)Six men who have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours may lose their lives because rescue operations are proving difficult. Since explosives might cause the roof of the mine to collapse, rescue workers are drilling a hole through hard rock, but progress is slow. Two hours ago, a microphone was lowered into the mine and the men have been in touch with their relatives. They are running short of food and drink but they are in good spirits. (80 words)
(2)Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours and may lose their lives. Rescue operations are proving difficult as explosives might cause the mol of the mine to collapse. Because of this, rescue workers are drilling a hole through hard rock, yet progress is slow. Now that a microphone has been lowered into the mine, the men are in touch with their relatives. Though they are running short of food and drink, they are in good spirits. (80 words)
Lesson 89
(1)The local cinema was packed because the P & U Bird Seed Company was presenting a free comedy show. As many of the artistes who should have appeared failed to turn up, the show was very dull. The funniest thing we heard came at the beginning from the advertiser who introduced the programme saying, 'This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen?' (68 words)
(2)The local cinema was packed. The P & U Bird Seed Company was presenting a free comedy show but many of the artistes who should have appeared failed to turn up. Because of this, the show was very dull. The funniest thing we heard came at the beginning from the advertiser who introduced the programme saying, 'This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen? ' (70 words)
Lesson 90
(1)Divers working on North Sea oil rigs are often terrified by giant fish that bump into them when they are working in deep water. These fish are not sharks or whales. On the contrary, they are favourite eating varieties that grow to unnatural sizes. Three factors have caused this to happen: the first is the warmth from oil-pipes; the second is the supply of plentiful food; the third is the absence of fishing round the rigs. (76 words)
(2)Divers who work on the North Sea oil rigs have been terrified out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them while they work in deep water. The fish are not sharks or whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which have grown to unnatural sizes. Three factors have caused this to happen: the warmth from the hot oil-pipes, the plentiful food thrown from the rigs and the absence of fishing around the rigs. (76 words)
Lesson 91
(1)While circling the balloon, the pilot saw three men in the basket, one of whom was holding a pair of binoculars. When it flew over the station, one of the men took photographs. Then it landed near an airfield, but the police could not arrest anyone because the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station. Afterwards the Commanding Officer explained that one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing. (81 words)
(2)The pilot circled the balloon, under which there was a basket containing three men, one of whom was holding a pair of binoculars. Before landing near an airfield, it flew over the station and someone took photographs. As two of the men were Members of Parliament and the other was the Commanding Officer, the police could not arrest anyone. The mystery was explained when the Commanding Officer admitted (said) that one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing. (83 words)
Lesson 92
(1)The writer returned home at about two in the morning and rang the doorbell. Having failed to wake up his wife, he put a ladder against the wall and began climbing towards the bedroom window. Suddenly a policeman called out, but the writer answered him rudely. He told him he had forgotten his key. The shouting woke his wife. She opened the window just as the policeman had started climbing the ladder after him. (74 words)
(2)On arriving home at about two in the morning, the writer rang the doorbell but failed to wake up his wife. After having put a ladder against the wall, he was climbing towards the bedroom window when a policeman called out. Answering him rudely, the writer told him he had forgotten his key. The shouting woke his wife, who opened the window at the moment when the policeman started climbing the ladder after him. (74 words)
Lesson 93
(1)The Statue of Liberty, which was presented to the United States of America by the French people in the 19th century, was designed by Bartholdi and built on a metal frame constructed by Eiffel. The site chosen for it was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour, where a pedestal had to be built. The statue was erected in Paris in 1884 and re-erected two years later in America. It was officially presented in October, 1886. (78 words)
(2)The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by the French people in the 19th century. Though designed by Bartholdi, it was built on a metal frame constructed by Eiffel. The site chosen for it was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour and a pedestal had to be built. The statue was first erected in Paris in 1884, but it was re-erected two years later in America and officially presented in October, 1886. (80 words)
Lesson 94
(1)At a swimming pool in Los Angeles, children are taught to hold their breath under water before they can walk. They begin learning when they are two months old and, in time, they can pick up weights from the bottom of the pool. The game they enjoy most is the tricycle race, which takes place seven feet under water. Some children pedal their tricycles, while others push or pull them, and a few get across without coming up for air. (80 words)
(2)At a swimming pool in Los Angeles, children who are taught to hold their breath under water before they can walk often begin learning to swim when two months old. Though they can pick up weights from the bottom of the pool, the game they enjoy most is the underwater tricycle race. This takes place seven feet under water and, while some children pedal their tricycles, others push or pull them. A few get across without coming up for air. (80 words)
Lesson 95
(1)While the Ambassador of Escahipia was in his office, university students set the basement of the Embassy on fire. When the Ambassador went to investigate, a man called Horst aimed a fire extinguisher at him because he thought that the Ambassador was on fire. Moreover, there was a hole in the Ambassador's hat which had been made when someone fired a shot through his office window. The Ambassador was lucky, for he was not wearing it at the time. (78 words)
(2)The Ambassador of Escalopia was in his office when university students set the Embassy basement on fire. After the Ambassador had gone to investigate, a man called Horst aimed a fire extinguisher at him under the impression that the Ambassador was on fire. In addition to this, there was a hole in the Ambassador's hat. It had been made when someone fired a shot through his office window. It was lucky for the Ambassador that he was not wearing it. (79 words)
Lesson 96
(1)The Japanese annual Festival for the Dead is a cheerful occasion. As the dead are said to return home, food is laid out for them and lanterns are lit to guide them on their way. People dance and sing all night and the uneaten food is thrown into the sea or into a river the next morning. In some places, the lanterns are placed on the sea and people watch from the shore until the lanterns drift out of sight. (80 words)
(2)The Japanese annual Festival for the Dead is a cheerful occasion, for the dead are said to return home. Not only is food laid out for them, but lanterns are lit to guide them as well while people dance and sing all night. The uneaten food is thrown into the sea or a river the next morning. In some places, the lanterns are placed on the sea. People watch from the shore as the lanterns drift out of sight. (79 words)

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